Below script returns permissions of all the folder from an Exchange or Office365 Mailbox.
Save the code to a ".ps1" file and run like below.
Get-MailboxAllFolderPermission.ps1 -Mailbox USERID
Download from GitHub.
param ($mailbox)
$AllMbxFolders=Get-MailboxFolderStatistics $mailbox | Select Name, ContainerClass,folderid
$FilteredFolders=$AllMbxFolders | ? { ` # Add or remove the filter for folder in the below list.
$_.ContainerClass -eq "IPF.Note" -or `
$_.ContainerClass -like "IPF.Appointment" -and `
$_.Name -notlike "*Clatter*" -and `
$_.Name -notlike "*DR*" -and `
$_.Name -notlike "*Junk*" -and `
$_.Name -notlike "*Sync I*"
foreach ($folder in $FilteredFolders) {Get-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity $($mailbox + ":$($folder.FolderID)") -ea SilentlyContinue}
Save the code to a ".ps1" file and run like below.
Get-MailboxAllFolderPermission.ps1 -Mailbox USERID
Download from GitHub.
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