copy items to multiple systems using powershell

#Type Source Folder Name

$FiletoCopyFrom = "C:\Temp"

# Type the name of the folder you want to be created on the destenation machine
# this folder will be force created if already exist will be overwritten.

$DestinationFolderName = "Temp" 

#type the Drive Letter you want to the file to be copyed.

$DestinationDriveLetter = "C$"

# Provide the path to Server List.

$MachineListFileName = "C:\temp\ServerList.txt"

#----------Script start--------------------------------------

$DestinationMachines= Get-Content $MachineListFileName

$items = Get-ChildItem $FiletoCopyfrom

foreach ($Server in $DestinationMachines) {
Write-host "
Working on Server:" $Server -f Green
        New-Item -Path "\\$Server\$DestinationDriveLetter\" -Name $destinationFolderName -ItemType Directory -Force -Verbose
        foreach ($file in $items ) {
        Copy-Item -Path $file.FullName -Destination "\\$Server\$DestinationDriveLetter\$DestinationFolderName\" -Force -Verbose

