Installing Exchange Server 2013 SP1 Command Line

First Prepare Schema, once the schema is updated, run the setup command to install the exchange with GUI mode, you can install exchange using command line

setup command has multiple switches we can use, you can use the below mentioned switches to get help related to specific requirement.

Setup /help:Install         - Install Exchange server roles.

Setup /help:Upgrade         - Upgrade an existing Exchange server.

Setup /help:Uninstall       - Uninstall Exchange server roles.

Setup /help:RecoverServer   - Recover an existing Exchange server.

Setup /help:PrepareTopology - Prepare your topology for Exchange.

Setup /help:Delegation      - Delegate server installations.

Setup /help:UmLanguagePacks - Add or remove Unified Messaging language packs.

Use the below command to install Client Access Server and Mailbox Server Role , if you are installing Edge Transport Server Role you cannot install other role on the same box.

.\setup /m:install /roles:mt,mb,ca /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms

This command Require 3 part, specify the mode of installation, Specifiy the role to be installed, and accept the Exchange Server License Terms.

Selecting the Installation Mode.

/Mode:<installation mode>, /m:<installation mode,

Specifies the operation to perform:

        . Install:    (Default)--Installs one or more server roles.

        . Uninstall:  Removes all installed server roles.

        . Upgrade:    Installs a service pack.

Selecting the role to install

/Roles:<role 1, role 2>, /Role:<role>, /r:<role>

    The following are the valid server roles:

        . ClientAccess, ca

        . Mailbox, mb

        . EdgeTransport, et

        . ManagementTools, mt, t

    * This parameter can't be used when the /Mode parameter

    is set to Uninstall or Upgrade.

Accepting the Exchange Server License Terms

Use the below switch


Once your run the command exchange installation will start installing the Server.

We are all set for now, now take rest and wait for installation to finish.
