Plenty of times users reports missing email issues, you have them check deleted items folder, and recover deleted items folders, but the items are not there, now you check mailbox stats and see there are items in purges folders, as Purges is hidden from the outlook view you can access it from outlook, though you can use the MFCMapi to access the purges folder, but that is pretty time-consuming job for a person like me, I would rather prefer spending twice the in building the script, them doing the job manually using the GUI based tool.
This script give you power to report the emails in Deletions (Recoverable Items folder) and Purges folder, you can export and share the report with user to review if the missing emails are then and then if you wish you can export the emails in ".eml" format and share the same with user or you can import emails into user mailbox.
Please check my script on importing email into user Mailbox using EWS managed API below.
Import eml file to user mailbox (specific folder) using EWS managed API
Usage Examples:
Usage Example Report: Get messages details in Purges & Deletions Folders.
# >.\Export-Email-Ews.ps1 -folder purges -itemsView 10 -mailbox -userName -password Pass | ft
# >.\Export-Email-Ews.ps1 -folder deletions -itemsView 10 -mailbox -userName -password Pass | ft
Usage Example export 1: to export items from Purges folder run the script with below paramiters.
# >.\Export-Email-Ews.ps1 -export $true -folder purges -itemsView 10 -mailbox -dir "D:\Purges\" -userName -password Pass -export $true
Usage Example export 2: to export items from Purges folder run the script with below paramiters.
# >.\Export-Email-Ews.ps1 -export $true -folder Deletions -itemsView 10 -mailbox -dir "D:\Deletions\" -userName -password Pass -export $true
#eml file export code inspired from gsexdev, below is url to his blog where you will find a lot of ews related post.
This script give you power to report the emails in Deletions (Recoverable Items folder) and Purges folder, you can export and share the report with user to review if the missing emails are then and then if you wish you can export the emails in ".eml" format and share the same with user or you can import emails into user mailbox.
Please check my script on importing email into user Mailbox using EWS managed API below.
Import eml file to user mailbox (specific folder) using EWS managed API
As we are going to use the EWS make sure you met all the prerequisites before you plan to run this script.
- Admin account should have application impersonation rights, you can follow this msdn post to setup the permissions.
- Install EWS managed API on system where you plan to run the script from, if API is not installed, download the same from here
Note: Please install the latest version of EWS API, version 2.2 is currently being used in my script.
$report=$true, # for Reporting items in folders
$export=$false, # for Exporting email items
$folder="Purges", # Folder Choice can be "Deletions" & "Purges"
$mailbox , # User Mailbox
$itemsView=1000 , # No of Items to Export from the Folder
$dir="D:\Deletions\" , # Folder Path to save items in keep the format as it is
$userName , # Admin user id
$password # Admin user password
Usage Examples:
Usage Example Report: Get messages details in Purges & Deletions Folders.
# >.\Export-Email-Ews.ps1 -folder purges -itemsView 10 -mailbox -userName -password Pass | ft
# >.\Export-Email-Ews.ps1 -folder deletions -itemsView 10 -mailbox -userName -password Pass | ft
Usage Example export 1: to export items from Purges folder run the script with below paramiters.
# >.\Export-Email-Ews.ps1 -export $true -folder purges -itemsView 10 -mailbox -dir "D:\Purges\" -userName -password Pass -export $true
Usage Example export 2: to export items from Purges folder run the script with below paramiters.
# >.\Export-Email-Ews.ps1 -export $true -folder Deletions -itemsView 10 -mailbox -dir "D:\Deletions\" -userName -password Pass -export $true
# Author : Sunil Chauhan
# Email :
# Blog:
# This script can be used where you wants to restore items from user mailbox purges folder, exports the items from users Purges folder,
# Items Once Deleted from Recover Deleted items, they are out of user control and can't be restored, this script can be used to export the items.
# This script will export each items in .eml format and the item name would there subject.
# Eml file cane be simply copy and pasted into user outlook.
# Usage Example: Get messages details in Purges & Deletions Folders.
# >.\Export-Email-Ews.ps1 -folder purges -itemsView 10 -mailbox -userName -password Pass | ft
# >.\Export-Email-Ews.ps1 -folder deletions -itemsView 10 -mailbox -userName -password Pass | ft
# Usage Example 1: to export items from Purges folder run the script with below paramiters.
# >.\Export-Email-Ews.ps1 -export $true -folder purges -itemsView 10 -mailbox -dir "D:\Purges\" -userName -password Pass -export $true
# Usage Example 2: to export items from Purges folder run the script with below paramiters.
# >.\Export-Email-Ews.ps1 -export $true -folder Deletions -itemsView 10 -mailbox -dir "D:\Deletions\" -userName -password Pass -export $true
param (
$mailbox ,
$itemsView=1000 , #No of Items to Export from the Folder
$dir="D:\Deletions\" , # Folder Path to save items in
$userName ,
$uri=[system.URI] ""
$dllpath = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange\Web Services\2.2\Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.dll"
Import-Module $dllpath
#Setup EWS Service Client
$service=New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ExchangeService($ExchangeVersion)
$service.Credentials = New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.WebCredentials -ArgumentList $userName, $password
$service.url = $uri
#Entering into Mailbox
$service.ImpersonatedUserId = New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ImpersonatedUserId `
#Binding to Recoverable Items Root
$MailboxRootid= new-object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.FolderId `
#Loading All Folders Under Recoverable Items Root
$FolderList = new-object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.FolderView(10)
$FolderList.Traversal = [Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.FolderTraversal]::Deep
$findFolderResults = $MailboxRoot.FindFolders($FolderList)
$folderID = ($findFolderResults | ? {$_.DisplayName -eq $folder}).ID
#Setup property set for email
$psPropset = new-object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.PropertySet `
$psPropset.RequestedBodyType = [Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.BodyType]::HTML
#Loading Email Items
$view = New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ItemView -ArgumentList $ItemsView
$view.PropertySet = $propertyset
if ($report) {
$items.items | select Subject,LastModifiedTime,DateTimeReceived,Sender,{$_.ToRecipients}
if ($export) {
foreach ($item in $items.items)
Write-Host "Writing Email to File:" $item.Subject
$fileName = $Dir + $($item.Subject).replace(":","-") + ".eml"
$psPropset = new-object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.PropertySet([Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ItemSchema]::MimeContent)
$Email = new-object System.IO.FileStream($fileName, [System.IO.FileMode]::Create)
$Email.Write($Item.MimeContent.Content, 0,$Item.MimeContent.Content.Length)
#eml file export code inspired from gsexdev, below is url to his blog where you will find a lot of ews related post.
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