Below Script fixes recipients for whom you are getting IMCEAEX user not found NDR.
Useage Examples: #copy and paste the entire NDR to a File #To convert to x500 from csv : .\Fix-IMCEAEX-From-NDR.ps1 -NDRFile File.txt #To make changes to user Account : .\Fix-IMCEAEX-From-NDR.ps1 -NDRFile File.txt -edit True #To Verify the Changes to Account : .\Fix-IMCEAEX-From-NDR.ps1 -NDRFile File.txt -CheckX500 True
NOTE: This Script would need both Exchange and ActiveDirectory PowerShell, run the script in Exchange Management Shell and make sure AD module is Installed.
Download link
#Author: Sunil Chauhan #EMail: #Blog: #Fix Recipient for whome you are getting IMCEAEX user not found NDR. # Useage Examples: # copy and paste the entire NDR to a File #To convert to x500 from csv : .\Fix-IMCEAEX-From-NDR.ps1 -NDRFile File.txt #To make changes to user Account : .\Fix-IMCEAEX-From-NDR.ps1 -NDRFile File.txt -edit True #To Verify the Changes to Account : .\Fix-IMCEAEX-From-NDR.ps1 -NDRFile File.txt -CheckX500 True # #"Note: This script useses ACtiveDirectory powershell Module please make sure the same in install" param ($edit,$CheckX500,$NdrFile) $m=(Get-Module | ? {$_.Name -like "Activedirectory"}) if (!$m) {"Connecting AD"; Import-Module ACtiveDirectory} else {"Already Connnected AD Skip.."} $ndr = get-content $NDRFile $in = 0 ; foreach ($line in $ndr) { if ($line -match "Received:") {Break} else {$in++}} $ndr = $ndr | select -Index (0..$in) $inn = 0 ; foreach ($line in $ndr) { if ($line -match "admini") {Break} else {$inn++}} $NameHeader= $ndr | select -Index (0..$inn) $user=@();$n=0 ; foreach ($l in $NameHeader) {$n++ ; if ($NameHeader[$n] -match "helpdesk.") {$user+=$NameHeader[$n - 1]}} $IMC = $ndr | ? {$_ -match "IMC"} $file=@() $c=0 if ($user.count -le 1) { $newEntry = New-Object -TypeName PSObject $newEntry | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name DisplayName -Value $user[0] $newEntry | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name IMC -Value $IMC $file+=$newEntry } else { foreach ($u in $user) { $newEntry = New-Object -TypeName PSObject $newEntry | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name DisplayName -Value $u $newEntry | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name IMC -Value $IMC[$c] $file+=$newEntry $c++ } } if ($file.count -gt 2) {$file | ft -AutoSize } else {$file | fl} Function CleanLegacyExchangeDN ([string]$imceaex) { $imceaex = $imceaex.Replace("IMCEAEX-","") $imceaex = $imceaex.Replace("_","/") $imceaex = $imceaex.Replace("+5F","_") $imceaex = $imceaex.Replace("+20"," ") $imceaex = $imceaex.Replace("+28","(") $imceaex = $imceaex.Replace("+29",")") $imceaex = $imceaex.Replace("+2E",".") $imceaex = $imceaex.Replace("+2C",",") $imceaex = $imceaex.Replace("+21","!") $imceaex = $imceaex.Replace("+2B","+") $imceaex = $imceaex.Replace("+3D","=") $regex = New-Object System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex('@.*') $imceaex = $regex.Replace($imceaex,"") $imceaex # return object } function AddX500 { param ( $user, $X500 ) Set-ADUser $user -Add @{proxyAddresses=$X500} } $data=@() foreach ($entry in $file) { try { $us = Get-Recipient $Entry.DisplayName.replace("'","" ) -ErrorAction Stop if ($us.count -gt 1) { write-host "Multiple Recipient found for user:" -n -f yellow write-host $Entry.DisplayName -f cyan -n write-host " Match SMTP from NDR" -f yellow Add-content -value $Entry.Displayname -path "log.txt" Add-content -value $(CleanLegacyExchangeDN $Entry.imc) -path "log.txt" $usr =$us[0].PrimarySmtpAddress.toString() } else { $usr =$us.PrimarySmtpAddress.toString() } $newEntry = New-Object -TypeName PSObject $newEntry | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name user -Value $usr $newEntry | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name X500 -Value $("X500:" + $(CleanLegacyExchangeDN $entry.IMC)) $data += $newEntry } catch{ if ($error[0].exception -match "null-valued") { write-host "Could'nt Catch Display Name From NDR." -f Red Write-host "Error Exception:" $error[0].Exception.Message "" } else { write-host "Recipient Not Found or not in Correct Format" -f yellow -n "" } Add-content -value $error[0].Exception -path "log.txt" } } if ($data.count -gt 2) {$data | ft -AutoSize }else {$data | fl} function getcuX500 { param ($id) (Get-Recipient $id).EmailAddresses | ? {$_.Prefix -match "X500"} | % {$_.ProxyAddressString} } # Add X500 proxy address on user account if ($edit) { foreach ($u in $data) { write-host "checking if X500 Already Exist " -f cyan $currentX500 = getcuX500 -id $u.User if ($currentX500 -like $u.x500) { Write-Host "X500 Already Exist for:"$u.User -f green } else{ Write-host "Fixing:" $u.User Write-host "X500Add:" $u.X500 Addx500 -user ((Get-Recipient $u.user).SamAccountName) -X500 $u.X500 } } } # Check X500 currently availble on user Acccount if ($checkX500) { foreach ($u in $data) { "" write-host "Below are the currently Stampled X500 for:"$u.User -f Yellow $x=(Get-Recipient $u.User).EmailAddresses | ? {$_.Prefix -match "X500"} | % {$_.ProxyAddressString} if ($x -eq $null) { Write-Host "No X500 Address found in Recipient ProxyAddresses List"-f cyan } else {$x} } }
0prosancan-ho-1979 Vicky Mirda