Setting up Shared Mailbox to save email in sent item folder in O365

When a shared mailbox mapped to outlook and an email sent from the same, email is saved in the sender mailbox sent item, we can set mail to save email to sent item folder in the shared mailbox, by default this feature is disabled in O365 and can be enabled by setting feature enable flag to TRUE:

For emails Sent As the shared mailbox:

set-mailbox <mailbox name> -MessageCopyForSentAsEnabled $True

For emails Sent On Behalf of the shared mailbox:

set-mailbox <mailbox name> -MessageCopyForSendOnBehalfEnabled $True

If you then want to disable the feature again, you can do it as follows:

For emails Sent As the shared mailbox:

set-mailbox <mailbox name> -MessageCopyForSentAsEnabled $False

 For emails Sent On Behalf of the shared mailbox:

set-mailbox <mailbox name> -MessageCopyForSendOnBehalfEnabled $False

To enable it on all shared mailboxes:

Get-Mailbox -ResultSize unlimited -Filter {(RecipientTypeDetails -eq 'SharedMailbox')} | set-mailbox -MessageCopyForSentAsEnabled $True 

For Exchange 2010: SP2 Rollup 4 and above

Get existing Settings.

Get-MailboxSentItemsConfiguration <Mailbox>

Set SendAs to be saved in Shared as well as user mailbox.

Set-MailboxSentItemsConfiguration <mailbox> -SendOnBehalfOfItemsCopiedTo Sender -SendAsItemsCopiedTo SenderAndFrom

SendAsItemsCopiedTo         : SenderAndFrom
SendOnBehalfOfItemsCopiedTo : Sender
Identity                    :
IsValid                     : True
ObjectState                 : New

Note: in exchange 2010 we can set it to both only there are no options for from only.
