Get Report on Who has delegates Access on Mailbox ?


This Script will Get Report of Delegates rights in Office 365

This script check who has Delegates permission on mailbox and generate a report of all the mailbox in Office 365.
Save the below Code in text file and Save as PS1.

#Author = Sunil Chauhan
#Email-ID =
# Name = Get-ResourceDelegates.ps1
$C = 0
Please wait Getting Mailbox..."
$Mbx=Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited
Mailbox Data Fatched Completed."
start-sleep 1
Now will start checking Resource Delegates info...."
foreach ($user in $mbx)
                                $C++ ;
                                Write-host "Getting ResourceDelegates for User No = $c "
                                Get-CalendarProcessing $user.alias
$Report= $ResourceDelegates | Select Identity, ResourceDelegates
$exportReport= $report | Export-CSV "ResourceDelegates.csv"
Reporting completed, File Exported to ResourceDelegates.csv


  1. Greetings,

    I am trying to find a script that will do the following:
    1. Tell me who the delegate(s) are on someone's mailbox
    2. Find out what mailboxes a single user has access to.

    Are you able to assist?

    Thank You,



  2. # 1st one

    Get-CalendarProcessing user1 | select ResourceDelegates

    #2nd one

    $mbx = get-mailbox -ResultSize unlimited

    $prm = foreach ($user in $mbx) {Get-MailboxPermission $user.alias}

    $prm | Group-Object -Property User


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